Reinvention Coaching

The Ending and the Beginning Lie on Either Side of the Same Door

Life with autoimmune is capable of emptying us of everything we have and all that we believe we are. The power of hopelessness and withdrawal can bring us to our knees, and all too often we do not see the feeling of despair for the chrysalis that it is.

Given the right conditions, the body has an innate ability to heal itself.

In our pursuit to fix what is wrong with our bodies, we have missed and overlooked the key pieces in our health and healing puzzle— the mind, the emotions and our spirit.

The truth is, we have become disassociated from our bodies and desensitized to our emotions as we suffer through our autoimmune dis-eases. The symptoms we endure and the emotions we feel are actually messages from the body, trying to get our attention. It wants you to awaken to the greater power within.

There is a better way, and a more wholistic approach to our health.

My focus is on the mindset— I believe, once you work to heal the mind, the body will follow. And it is with working on your mindset, that you begin to align everything in your life to support the life and healing you most desire.

You can live a life with greater ease, awareness and healing too. But true healing only begins when you bring your mind, emotions and spirituality into the equation and align them back with your body. I invite you to step through the threshold and unlock your autoimmune prison. Move beyond your fears and limiting beliefs and open yourself up to the new world of possibilities…. within YOU!

Book a Discovery Session and allow me to guide you on your inner healing journey. So you can reinvent your life and align your health— mind, body and soul.

It will shift your perspective, and heal your world like nothing else you’ve tried before.

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The ending and the beginning lie on either side of the same door

The Pandemic Emergency had just hit the United States and like a ripple effect, I lost all my contracted work as a tour director. Days later, my body went into shock and totally collapsed with another full blown autoimmune flare up. It felt like a bomb had exploded in my life and destroyed everything in its wake. Defeated, fragile, drained and depleted— I now felt like a shell of a human being. No longer did I recognize the person I had become.

There just has to be more than this…..

Sadly, it took a huge traumatic event like this to force me to stop and surrender. To step off the hamster wheel and re-evaluate. Fed up and in my darkest moment, I had a wake up call.

Through the pandemic’s gift of time, I was given a glimmer of hope and an opportunity to change. The Universe invited me to step through the threshold while it lit the way forward. I took the first steps and embarked on a journey towards my own healing.

Sometimes we just need someone to support us on our journey and to remind us of the meanings of the signs and symbols on the map we carry

This led me to the work of Master Life Coach and my mentor, Nancy Levin. It was through Nancy’s coaching and her Reinvention process that I discovered the keys to unlock my autoimmune prison was held by me all along. And soon it became obvious that my toxic thoughts, limited beliefs and the years of avoided emotions had a much deeper connection and impact on my physical health.

As I got past all the noise and stress of my outer world, I began to peel back the layers and “tune-in” to my inner world. As my awareness grew, I gained more resiliency and my life began to shift in profound ways.


Sometimes we just need someone to support and remind us of the meanings of the signs and symbols on the map we carry. I’d love to guide you on a journey within, to support you take your first steps to align your life, health and healing—

Mind, Body and SOUL.

Step Through the Doorway and Book a Discovery Call Today

And when you begin to transform your inner world, your inner beauty radiates outward. And like magic, the outer world begins to reflect back what is happening inside.